"The Art of English 配音"


来源:江下科技产品中心 持续阴雨天,照片怎样修才更高清持续阴雨天,照片怎样修才更高清哈喽,大家好,欢迎来到玩转手机摄影!最近一直是下雨天,很多朋友都不愿意外出拍照,因为在这样的天气中拍摄出来的照片容易灰蒙蒙的,缺乏层次,比如像下图类似这样:■ 照片偏灰■ 主体不突出■ 畸变明显▲点击看效果但是经过后期处理,就可以让一张普通的照片变得有层次感,更加高清!后期思路如下:■ 强调光影,体现画面层次;■ 局部调整,突出画面主体;■ 畸变校正,恢复横平竖直。


2 用英语描述《西游记》Tang Priest and his three disciples went to the west to fetch Buddhist scriptures. They met 81 difficulties on their way.Tang Priest was a kind person and looked handsome. Some demons, like lion and elephant, wanted to eat Tang Priest because they believed his flesh could make them immortal. Some female demons wanted to marry him. Monkey was very intelligent, skillful and resourceful. He also had a network of powerful gods and Buddha. He either defeated those demons or asked other gods for help. Pigsy was lazy and liked chasing pretty girls. Monkey always made fun of him, so he brought them a lot of fun on their tough way. Sandy was faithful and ordinary, so he looked after their luggage carefully and took care of Tang Priest.Eventually, they got scriptures and went back to the Great Tang.这是基础素材,雅思考生可以根据不同话题随机应变,跟孙猴子一样。